Why You Should Deploy Your Code on Weekdays Before 4 PM (and Avoid Fridays)

In many companies I've worked with, there's been a strong "no deployments during business hours" mindset. However, I believe this approach misses the mark. Deploying during business hours is actually more advantageous, strategic, and helps maintain a happier, more engaged team.

Deploying code is a critical aspect of the software development lifecycle, but the timing of those deployments can significantly impact the success and smoothness of the process. Here's why you should deploy on weekdays, have no-deploy-fridays, and do it all while people are around.

1. Availability of Support Personnel

Deploying during regular business hours ensures that your full team is available to address any issues that may arise. If something goes wrong, having the entire team on deck can drastically reduce response and resolution times. On the other hand, after-hours or weekend deployments often result in limited support staff, increasing the risk of prolonged outages. As noted by a blog post on Moravio, “Fridays are often a day where many employees take time off work, or work shorter hours. This means that if something goes wrong with a deployment, there may be limited support personnel available to fix any issues that arise”[1].

2. Reduced Risk of Extended Outages

Deploying on a Friday, especially late in the day, can be particularly risky. If a problem arises, it might go unnoticed or unresolved over the weekend, potentially leading to a prolonged outage that affects customers. This is especially problematic for businesses that operate over the weekend. As highlighted by DeployBot, “Deploying code that contains bugs or errors can lead to costly outages. By following a ‘no deployments on Fridays’ policy, teams can reduce the risk of deploying code that contains bugs and errors”[2].

3. Work-Life Balance

Respecting your team’s work-life balance is crucial for maintaining morale and productivity. Deploying late on a Friday can disrupt employees' weekends, leading to burnout. An article from BuiltIn emphasizes this point, noting that jeopardizing weekend plans "doesn’t show a lot of respect for your coworkers, or your employees’ work/life balance”[3].

4. Increased Stress and Risk of Errors

Deployments are often stressful, and this stress is amplified when done late in the week. Rushed deployments increase the likelihood of mistakes, which can have serious consequences. By scheduling deployments earlier in the week and during business hours, teams can work in a less pressured environment, reducing the chance of errors. According to a post on Moravio, deploying updates midweek “allows for adequate time to fix any issues that arise and ensures that support personnel are available throughout the process”[1:1].

5. Efficient Testing and Feedback Loops

Deploying code earlier in the day allows ample time for testing and addressing any feedback before the end of the day. This approach not only minimizes disruption but also makes it easier to manage and debug smaller, frequent deployments. As Fellow.app notes, “Make a good practice of deploying your code well before the workday is over so your team has enough time to stay online and figure out a solution if something goes awry”[4].


By deploying code during weekdays before 4 PM and avoiding Fridays, you minimize risks, improve system reliability, and ensure that your team remains motivated and productive. This approach is not just a precaution but a strategic practice that can significantly enhance the stability and success of your deployments.

This timing strategy is widely supported across the tech industry as a best practice, emphasizing the importance of both operational efficiency and the well-being of your team. So, the next time you plan a deployment, consider the timing—not just the code itself.

Moravio ↩︎ ↩︎

DeployBot ↩︎

BuiltIn ↩︎

Fellow.app ↩︎