Timeline Beta — making the home buying process less stressful.

We want to make the home buying process easier for both buyers and their agents.

Buying a house is one of the most stressful periods in your life. If it’s not hard enough finding the right house  in the right place that fits your budget, there are so many other things  that you have to do before getting the keys. Getting qualified,  applying for financing, doing the inspections, bidding, and so much more  goes into buying a house. Sometimes you don’t even get the first one! Plus, it’s a lot to keep track of. We’re working hard to make the house  buying process easier for both realtors and clients with Pickle Timelines.

Today,  most realtors communicate to you via phone, text message, email, and  face-to-face meetings. However, despite the level of communication, it’s  still overwhelming to remember, take notes, and what to do next. This  can be the difference between getting the house and not.

Pickle  Timelines helps you know where you are in the process and what to  expect next. Everything is laid out there for you to check at any time,  regardless of whether or not your realtor is sleeping. All of the steps  are customizable and we provide some sane defaults, too. For our current beta users, it’s made the home buying process much less stressful — that’s a win for us.

Here’s a sneak peak of Pickle Timelines. I’d love to know what you think!

Client View — Pickle Timeline (Beta)

Want to join the beta? We don’t have a ton of spots open and they go quickly. If you’d like to sign up and use Timelines, you should click here. (or email me: matt@picklecrm.com).