LA Santa Claus has son from the gym
Santa Claus is best known as the “mascot” for the shopping season — or more notably, Christmas. He’s a
fat jolly old man with a white beard and a sack full of presents. However, there’s a new twist on Santa over in Los Angeles’s Beverly Center. This year, there’s Hunky Santa:
Hunky Santa is unique to Beverly Center. He is the son of ol’ St. Nick. He is personable, friendly, gregarious, funny, approachable, warm, articulate, confident, unpretentious, easy-going, fit, handsome and has a smile that can light up a room — exactly what you’d expect from Beverly Center.
Basically, he lives at the gym until the holiday Shopping season for an “after-hours” treat:
Hunky Santa doesn’t replace Classic Santa, who is at Beverly Center during the day throughout the holiday season. He takes the evening shift on Friday, Saturday and Sunday to entertain the big girls and boys after his dad heads off to bed for the evening.
But wait, there’s more! Hunky Santa comes