In need of your help and a new MacBook Pro!

I need a new MacBook Pro desperately! I’ve been using a laptop that’s rapidly approaching 5 years old. I’m also a poor college student in need of your help!

Here’s what I will do with the new MacBook Pro:

  1. School Work (Very Important)
  2. Work on my many side projects (Summer Sweat for example)
  3. Take over the world

Alternatives to the MacBook Pro:

  1. Hammer and Chisel (I hear the stone age is returning)
  2. Two cans and string (Can you hear me now?)

How you benefit

Companies donating large sums of money (over $250) will receive their logo placed on the lid of the MacBook Pro (you’ll need to provide me with a sticker or equivalent).

Friends and family who donate will receive my love and a special e-goodie bag with coupons for remote computer support, free consultations, and other tech related things.

How to donate

You can donate by clicking this link or using the button on the right under “Please Donate!”

Please donate!